
Whistle Down The Wind at the Waterside Theatre Aylesbury Review

16-18 August 2018

Reviewed by Tricia Shaw

Wow! What an amazing performance! Vivo D’Arte and Aylesbury Waterside Theatre’s Stage Experience production of Whistle Down The Wind is quite something. It is no mean feat to direct a cast of 100 young people aged from 8 to 25 and produce a show with just 7 days of rehearsals; director Amy Dunstall and producer Dan Cowton have done just that.

Whistle Down the Wind has a simple storyline: a young girl (Swallow) finds a stranger in their barn and believes him to be Jesus, she promises to keep his presence a secret and to help him. The other children learn of his existence and are bound to keep the secret too. Meanwhile the adults are on the lookout for an escaped killer. It is set in a deeply religious town in Louisiana in the 1950s and above all is a story about love, hope, pure faith and the innocence of children.

With so many cast members it is impossible to mention them all but particular congratulations must go to: George Watkins (The Man) with his fabulous voice, his range and tone reminiscent of the more famous songs of Jean Valjean from Les Misérables; Alice O’Neill who played Swallow, a very talented young lady; Isaac Forward (Poor Baby) and Isabella Noury (Brat) with sound performances from them both. They all gave very confident and emotive performances worthy of a West End stage.

Fabulous choreography, beautiful music and wonderful performances from the principals right through to the children, the dance groups and the ensemble; a well-deserved standing ovation.

Rating: 5/5

For more information on Vivo D’Arte visit www.vivodarte.co.uk.

For other shows at the Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury visit www.atgtickets.com/aylesbury or call the box office on 0844 871 7607.

Waterside Theatre, Exchange Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UG | 0844 871 7607

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